The Future Begins. A cataclysm in the 24th century throws two ships back in time to the 23rd century, altering the course of history. With a different life where he never knew his father, James T. Kirk becomes a brilliant yet cynical misfit who is finall
StarTreKomics — A Gallery of Trek Fun!Happy Holidays Everyone! Hi Everyone, I’m sorry I haven’t been on in a while, but I found I hadn’t been posting in nearly 2 months and the system had logged me out! Fortunately I was able to get back in today, and I’ll try to pos...
No word as to when the museum will open but chose Hot Springs because of its interesting history and he has really become really fond of the town. With the addition of theWorld's Shortest St. Patrick's Day paradeheld every year downtown many other celebrities have been flocking to the spa...
While onboard, guests will see exotic animals in The Mekong River, African Congo, Nile River, and Amazon. In addition to narrowly escaping an angry hippo, guests also endure some seriously punny humor from the cast members. Disney briefly considered using real animals in the trek but changed ...