Stark Trek video games and gaming, gaming chair, gaming desk, Star Trek gaming merchandise, Star Trek: Vogayer comics, and more - Redshirts Always Die
Artemisisn't an official Star Trek game, but it is the Star Trek game you've always dreamed of. It's a bridge simulator, in which multiple players take on the roles of starship crew. There are six slots in a bridge crew: a captain, a helmsman, a weapon...
Forawhile,thatis. 我知道听说了 Iknow.Iheard. 我知道听说了 Iknow.Iheard. 行动派萨鲁做文书工作 ActionSaru,chainedtoadesk. 没想到有这一天啊 NeverthoughtIdseeit. 行动派萨鲁 ActionSaru? 对啊哎呀你懂的 Yeah.Comeon,youknow. 行动派萨鲁 ActionSaru. 嗯抱歉她不喜欢 Yeah.Sorryshedoesntlikeit. 你懂...
星际发现号迷航trekdiscovery舰长 《星际迷航:发现号♥》前情提要 PreviouslyonStarTrek:Discovery... 他们头脑聪明老滑巨奸 RAYNER:They'resmart,slipperyashel, 只在乎自己 don'tgiveadamnaboutanyonebutthemselves. 他们是莫尔和拉克 MeetMollandL'ak. 他们偷走了什么-一件对联邦安全 BOOK:Whatdidtheysteal?-KOVICH:...