Star Trek Summary Star Trek: The Next Generation is a science fiction show with some action and drama, that presents the watcher with a series of adventures from the crew of the USS Enterprise. The Enterprise is an explorer spaceship composed of a mix of different characters, from various rac...
So there we go. I have ridden the gauntlet ofTrekfilms and come through on the other side. It was certainly a more manageable task than trying to watch all the shows… or even all of one of the shows besidesthe animated seriesorShort Treksor one of the new shows that doesn’t have ...
No Star Trek series has been the same since The Original Series. And they all had things about them that some people didn't like.Star Trek: Deep Space Nine took a big risk by setting the series on a space station instead of having the crew aboard a spaceship, and some people have ...
On "Star Trek: The Next Generation," set a century after the original series, the registry was updated to Ncc-1701-d. The titular spacecraft on "Star Trek: Voyager" had a registry number of Ncc-74656, while the spaceship Discovery on "Star Trek: Discovery" was Ncc-1031.Registry numbers...
Download Star Trek Timelines on PC with MEmu Android Emulator. Enjoy playing on big screen. Welcome to Starfleet, Captain! Game Info Welcome to Starfleet, Captain!STAR TREK TIMELINESis the ultimate Star Trek™sci-fi and role-playing mobile gamewith the battle on a spaceship in space. Conquer...
SpaceshipStar Trek 4K00:12 Star TrekSpaceship 4K01:10 Star TrekVoyager 4K00:41 Free for use under the PixabayContent License 19 Save Views1,694 Downloads680 Show details AdisResic716 followers For 300 dollars, I will make your science fiction dream come true YouTube
When you were in third grade did you have that weird friend who thought it was hilarious to make fun of Star Trek by calling it Star Feck with characters John Leak Pee-hard and Do-me-onna Toy? It turns out that his idea of growing up was to change the names to Captain Belinda Blow...
SpaceshipStar Trek HD01:18 Star TrekVoyager 4K00:20 SaturnSpaceshipMoon HD00:25 Free for use under the PixabayContent License 12 Save Views249 Downloads90 Show details AdisResic709 followers For 300 dollars, I will make your science fiction dream come true YouTube
Podcast ML: "Star Trek: Insurrection" Insurrection redirects here; for the act of rebelling, please see Rebellion."The Battle For Paradise Has Begun" As the Dominion War ravages the Alpha Quadrant, an idyllic planet in the middle of an unstable region within Federation space serves as home ...
Another Starlog publication, detailing what goes into making the aliens of Star Trek. From a tech standpoint, it gives some background and names for some alien species, straight from the makeup artists. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION TECHNICAL JOURNAL Shane Johnson. Starlog Press, 1992. In pri...