(Star Trek: First Contact)Ronald D. Moore commented: "My working assumption was that the Enterprise-E had her keel laid sometime during TNG's last season and was probably going to be given another name. When the Enterprise-D was destroyed, that Sovereign-class ship was nearing completion ...
Instead,Star Trek: Picardseason 3 captures a tone akin to the original movie era ofStar Trek: II,III,IV,V, andVI. The series’ hero ship (yes we have hero ships again) is specifically designed to be reminiscent of the refit Enterprise from that era. The Titan-A is a Neo Constitution...
(Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 1, Issue 6, p. 47) If anything has exemplified Lebowitz's assessment, then it must have been the number of staffers Industrial Light & Magic had employed on their Star Trek projects; whereas The Search for Spock "only" needed 42 staffers, the staff-...
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Created by Gene Roddenberry. With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Marina Sirtis. Set almost 100 years after Captain Kirk's 5-year mission, a new generation of Starfleet officers sets off in the U.S.S. Enter
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These are stages where Star Trek has filmed in the past. Plans also reportedly included use of a Universal Studios stage for "planetary" shots needing more room, [147] but that location was never used. A source told TrekMovie.com that more ship interiors were created for this film than ...
Resolute will soon be available to claim, for free, within Star Trek Online. News It sure looks like Star Trek Resurgence’s USS Resolute is heading to Star Trek Online 8 Oct 2023 Star Trek Resurgence's hero ship, the USS Resolute, looks to be an upcoming addition to the long-running...
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Star Trek: Lower Decks #3 is written by Ryan North and drawn by Jack Lawrence. Lieutenant Billups, the Cerritos’ Chief Engineer, asks his team to brainstorm possible causes for an anomaly the ship has discovered. An ensign speculates a miniscule number of Omega Particles could be the ...
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