Abbreviations: ST: TOS: Star Trek: The Original Series; ST: TNG: Star Trek: The Next Generation; ST: DS9: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; ST: VOY: Star Trek: Voyager; ST: ENT: Star Trek: Enterprise; ST: DIS: Star Trek: Discovery...
One of the first big Star Trek publications by fandom, this volume is hard to come by. The cover is an "episode wheel" giving page numbers and abbreviations for all of the episodes detailed within - in the 1976 edition, both TOS and TAS are treated equally. Episodes are listed by star...
Star Trekfirst aired in the centenary year of the US Civil Rights Act of 1866 — an appropriate date, seeing as the show’s prime aim was to depict a harmoniously integrated future society rather than anticipate technological marvels such as the tricorder and the cloaking device. Arthur C. Cl...
Here is a map of the Star Trek galaxy. Babylon 5 Babylon 5 has also been located at Epsilon Eridani. But for a more in-depth discussion of the location of Babylon 5, click here. Galactic map in the station's war room. Dune In DUNE, Paul's home planet of Caladan was at Delta ...
Future Wings Star Trek Canada Jeanette Kilke [#1,1978,122pp.] [Flypast,1979,140pp. (1 SW story)] 1978-79 title genre country of origin publisher issues (click for cover image) format / pages year(s) Galactic Falcon #1 multi Cindi Hartman [#1,1981-04,] 100 1981 Galactic Flight ...
Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, like Wells, drew his passion from a need to rise above the inequities of the present and forge a more equitable future. Why are we celebrating Wells and Star Trek now, in this sci-fi special (which includes our long-running Futures sci-fi series ...