So you're playing Star Trek Online and have some questions that need answering. “Where's Sulu?”“What do I do with research samples?”“Who do I have to perform oo-mox on to get Bridge Officers?” Well, look no further! All your answers are right her
Season 4 Episode Guide Season 4 13 Episodes 2021 - 2022 Episode 1 Kobayashi Maru Thu, Nov 18, 2021 53 mins After months spent reconnecting the Federation with distant worlds, Captain Michael Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery are sent to assist a damaged space station. Where...
StarTrekGuide is devoted to this all-time great American icon, its creators, its stars and its fandom. We love everything about Star Trek (OK, maybe not that one episode when Captain Janeway “evolves” into a slug) and, like proper fans, we want all the news and information on this ...
The complete guides to every Star Trek episode: aliens, characters, and starships from each series; includes maps of the Galaxy, Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
A free resource for players of Star Trek Fleet Command. Wondering what range of targets your ship can attack? Wonder no more. Use this interactive tool to instantly find the minimum and maximum hit range that you can scan, target, and attack at your play
Globale Sitemap Lokale Sitemap Manage Preferences Community Community-Wiki Support Hilfe Werbung Mediakit Fandom-Apps So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Star Trek Online Wiki ist eine Fandom-Videospiele-Community. Mobile Geräte Follow...
Star Trek Online Unveiled adds Picard’s Hugh in February 23 Jan 2025 Star Trek Online Unveiled will add Hugh (Jonathan Del Arco) from Star Trek Picard and The Next Generation, alongside a new episode, event, and lootbox. News Star Trek Online adds Obena-class as latest lootbox gamble 4...
A free resource for players of Star Trek Fleet Command. Wondering what range of targets your ship can attack? Wonder no more. Use this interactive tool to instantly find the minimum and maximum hit range that you can scan, target, and attack at your play
Play the newest Star Trek online game free in your browser! Take your Federation or Dominion fleet to new frontiers, and battle new enemies.
Then, go to the “Star Trek Online Account Management” menu, and select the “Enter Code” option. Enter ” JIH MUSHA SOH ” as a code to unlock the Star Trek 2: Wrath Of Khan Admiral James T. Kirk uniform. [lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-...