Lieutenant Commander Data: [with his grafted flesh burned away] I imagine I look worse than I... feel. Helpful•7 0 Cmdr. Deanna Troi: Bridge to Captain Picard. Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Go ahead. Cmdr. Deanna Troi: We've just received word from the Fleet. They've engaged the Borg...
Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) has his fair share of romances onStar Trek: The Next Generationdespite being a supposedly emotionless android, ThroughoutTNG, Data serves as the second officer on the USS Enterprise-D under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). InTNG's p...
Commander Kurn (briefly in 2366)Lieutenant Commander Shelby (briefly in 2366 – 2367)Lieutenant Commander Data (briefly in 2369)Second officer and Operations Manager and Science OfficerLieutenant Commander Data (2364 – 2371)Lieutenant Worf (briefly in 2366)Chief engineerLieutenant Commander Sarah Mac...
The cost for each rank is on the table below, costs are cumulative, so if you spend 2 points to become a Lieutenant, you must spend 3 more points to become a Lt. Commander, not an additional +1 point.To achieve a rank of Commander or better, a PC must possess at least one skill...
LIEUTENANT COMMANDER DATA; "Spotted Face" variation. Spots are brownish; face is a very faint "chocolate milk" color. Card has never been punched. There is a negligible ding in upper right. This card is right out of a factory case. C-9.9. mint on card sorry sold The Alien "Q". Lig...
He gathers Lieutenant Commander Data and Doctor Beverly Crusher, leading an away team to locate the warp ship's inventor, Doctor Zefram Cochrane. Picard, Data and the Phoenix After beaming down, Picard's away team enters Cochrane's missile silo where they find the occupants dead but the ...
Related:Star Trek Reveals The Enterprise's Fate In Picard Season 3 2Worf As Comic Relief Much like Dr. Crusher,Lieutenant Commander Worf (Michael Dorn)did not have much to do inNemesis. The handful of scenes he does get, however, are pretty great. After enjoying too much Romulan Ale at...
Captain Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data make an appearance in this game. Data is very much in character while Picard sits beside you ready to give advice. He even smiles and looks at you when you want to hear from him. The quick battle feature is a fantastic feature to have in a...
Star Trek: Deception is the story of two Starfleet officers, Commander Stoven and Lieutenant Miller, who are transporting a Klingon prisoner to a detention center aboard a Danube Class Runabout, only to be ambushed by a Klingon Bird of ...See more Read more: Plot summary Director Leo ...
Commander Chakotay and Commander Will Riker would bond over their love of piloting and their loyalty to their captains. They would also exchange stories about their adventures and challenges in the Delta Quadrant and the Alpha Quadrant. Lieutenant Commander Tuvok and Lieutenant Commander Data ...