Star Trek: Infinite is a grand strategy experience that lets you play your own Star Trek story as the leader of one of four major factions in the galaxy. Follow the specially crafted story or blaze your own trail in the first Star Trek grand strategy game. 详细信息 名称Star Trek: Infinite...
名称: Star Trek: Infinite - Designing the Galaxy 类型: 冒险, 模拟, 策略 开发商: Nimble Giant Entertainment 系列: Star Trek 发行日期: 2023 年 10 月 12 日 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查找社区组 嵌入 DLC 此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏 Star Trek: Infinite 才能畅玩。 购买Star Trek: ...
Star Trek: Infinite - Neutral Zone Tunes -30% ¥ 40.00 ¥ 28.00 Star Trek: Infinite - Designing the Galaxy -30% ¥ 28.00 ¥ 19.60 ¥ 75.60 将所有 DLC 添加至购物车 评测 “Star Trek: Infinite is a 4X grand strategy game that shares a lot of qualities with a good Star Trek ep...
Paradox Interactive has announced that its upcoming Star Trek grand strategy game,Star Trek: Infinite, will be releasing for PC and MacOS on October 12. The Swedish developer has also announced a range of pre-order bonuses for the game, as well as a digital deluxe edition, which includes a...
Stark Trek video games and gaming, gaming chair, gaming desk, Star Trek gaming merchandise, Star Trek: Vogayer comics, and more - Redshirts Always Die
P社发行大型战略游戏《Star Trek: Infinite /#星际迷航:无限# 》现已在#Steam# 解锁推出,国区售价¥148/¥198~游戏支持中文!《Star Trek: Infinite》是一款大型战略游戏,您将能扮演银河系第一象限和第二象限四大派系之一的领袖,创造出自己的故事。在这款《Star Trek》大型战略游戏中,您可以跟随精心设计的故事...
Star Trek: The Infinite Chain: Directed by George Kayaian. With Helen Kayaian, Roland Marton, Joseph Marenus, Harold McLaughlin.
DEEP & COMPLEX STRATEGY Star Trek: Infinite is built upon the core systems of Stellaris, leveraging the deep and complex system and making them its own. Aspects of these systems have been streamlined and simplified to better resonate with the Star Trek franchise. ...
星际迷航无限是一款独特的太空战略策略游戏,不断尝试更多的策略方式,成为独特的任务冒险,同时,玩家将在宇宙联邦中扮演举足轻重的角色,都有很多方法可以取得胜利。一切都取决于你,银河象限的命运掌握在你的手中。 游戏亮点 无论你的重点是外交、间谍、战争还是所有这些的结合 ...
《Star Trek: Infinite》是一款大型战略游戏,您将能扮演银河系第一象限和第二象限四大派系之一的领袖,创造出自己的《Star Trek》故事。在这款《Star Trek》大型战略游戏中,您可以跟随精心设计的故事进行游戏,也可以开创自己的道路。 属于您的 Star Trek 故事《Star Trek: Infinite》的玩法非常多元。无论您偏重的是...