Platform: PC ESRB: Not SetCodes Cheat Mode Console Commands To access the console commands and cheats in Star Trek: Infinite, simply press the tilde (') key to bring up the console. Below is a compilation of useful commands and cheats that can be used in the game: Effect: Code: Activat...
如何在 Star Trek: Infinite 中使用修改器? WeMod 会安全地扫描并显示你的 PC 上已安装的所有游戏。只需从列表中选择一款游戏并点击“开始游戏”,即可快速启动游戏。当游戏完成加载并进入游戏画面后,你就可以开启各种修改了! 这些修改适用于我的游戏版本吗?
This is the first mobile game to include ships and characters from the new series, Star Trek: Discovery Get ready to explore the infinite universe, build your battle space station, construct your powerful fleet, and join alliances to occupy regions of space together in this PvP galaxy battles!
Star Trek: Shattered Universe Cheat mode You must be on the menu screen that looks like you are on the bridge of the Excelsior to enter the following codes. If done correctly, a text response will appear in the top right corner of the menu. Level select At the bridge screen, press ...
Star Trek: Legacy Review / Preview for Xbox 360 (X360) Published:June 15, 2006byCheat Code Central Staff Going boldy where only a few games have gone before The Star Trek series is in pretty dire […] Reviews Unreal 2: The Awakening Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ...