Star Trek: Five-Year Missionis a co-operative dice game for three to seven players. You take on the role of crew members on either theU.S.S. EnterpriseorU.S.S. Enterprise-D. Together you have to solve a series of alerts in order to score points before the Enterprise is eventually de...
While the range of the device is limited, Worf assures Picard that it will stop the android. Picard orders the helmsman to take the Enterprise into the Briar Patch at impulse and the ship heads in. Riker and Troi research.Entering the gnarled, red nebulae of the Patch, the Enterprise crew...
最坏的状况 How much danger from that star? Worst case. 比如说完全塌缩 长官? Like a full collapse, sir? 它抛过来的物质 Any material it threw this way, 我们用一半脉冲动力可以逃脱 we could outrun on half impulse power. Picard呼叫轮机室 轮机长 至舰桥报到 Picard to Engineering. Chief ...
The highest a player can manually set any of their subsystems is 100. The lowest a player can set these systems is 15. The exception to this rule is running at Full Impulse which will lower all systems except engines to 5. Subsystems, power and abilities[] ...
How? 我们等会再说 We will discuss this later. 数据表明是一艘Constellation级星舰 Im reading it now, as a Constellation-class starship 靠脉冲动力向我们靠近 没有发送呼叫信hearts;号hearts;hearts; travelling under impulse power. Sending no call letters. 正常程序是… The correct procedure... 你怎么...
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and ...
PreviouslyonStarTrek:Discovery... 我们在哪儿不是在哪儿的问题是什么时候 Wherearewe?-Notwhere.When. 这是一个时间虫它们被设计成 RAYNER:Itsatimebug...theyredesigned 触发时间随机循环 toparalyzeanenemysship 来使敌人的飞船瘫痪 byrandomlycyclingthemthroughtime. 关键就是要把我们拖住 Thewholepointistokeep...
星际star舰长第十九trek中英文 舰长-怎么了,韦伯?Captain.-Whatisit,Webb?屏幕上出现不明物体,长官Ablip,sir.Justcameonthescreen.探测出是什么吗?Howdoyoureadit?某种飞行物Aircraftofsomesort.从大小和速度来看Bythesizeofitandthespeed,不是我们的,我以前从未见过it'snotoneofours,sir.Itdoesn'tevenreadlikeany...
First published in 1968, and is meant as a "how to write for Star Trek". Part I of the book is a discussion of how Star Trek came to be. Parts III-V are a look at the production of the episodes. Most important here, however, is Part II of the book "An Official Biography of ...
In-depth critical reviews of Star Trek and some other sci-fi series. Includes all episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Str