Star Trek lore is forever changed with the introduction of the Pleroma, a dimension where god-like beings reside. In Star Trek #16, Sisko is sent back to reality by the Prophets and is told he is not welcome in the Pleroma. The Pleroma is a major development in the Star Trek franchise...
During his time as theEnterprise’schief engineer, Scotty encountered a number of god-like beings, such as Redjac and Trelane, and in the case of Redjac, suffered horrible trauma at their hands. However, this year’sStar Trekcomics showed that Scotty had what it takes to put them in thei...
Choosing the best episodes of an iconic show likeStar Trekis a monumentally difficult task. Since its launch in 1966, theStar TrekTV universe has spanned hundreds of episodes across multiple series:The Original Series,The Animated Series,The Next Generation,Deep Space Nine,Voyager,Enterprise,Discover...
Later in the film, in a segment set in 1992, Karl Verge prays that God give some food to Ethiopian kids because seeing them bums him out during "Star Trek Next Generation." Later sander talks to Verge about how he will turn into a douche bag like Spock. Doctor...
STAR TREK: VOYAGER(1995 -2001) – SEASONS 1 – 7 Created by: Rick Berman, Michael Piller and Jeri Taylor Based onStar Trek: by Gene Roddenberry Main Cast: Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Jennifer Lien, Robert Duncan McNeill, Ethan Phillips, Robert Picardo, Tim Russ, Garrett ...
3.Star Trek: Deep Space Nine| The Best Star Trek Series It’s especially appropriate thatDeep Space Nineranks right under the two best Star Trek movies on this list since this was the first (and last beforeDiscovery)Star Trekseries designed to play out like one long, seven-season movie. ...
Even for those who love silly Trek,“Who Mourns for Adonais?” tends to rank toward the bottom of Original Series episodes. Forest has a lot of fun playing the haughty Apollo and there’s something delightful about the effect used to make the god tower over Kirk and Chekov. But the episo...
In-depth critical reviews of Star Trek and some other sci-fi series. Includes all episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Str
“The New Next Generation,” gives us a hilarious and heartwarming conclusion, a couple of excellent new catchphrases, and some honest to God intriguing plot developments that, theoretically, could launch a whole new Trek show. (I don’t think it’s going to, necessarily, but it absolutely...
Tags:amnesia,dating advice,diplomacy,dr. crusher has a crush,energy beings,evolution,geordi's a dork,godlike powers,handwaving mumblemumble,mysteries,science!,technobabble,the prime directive is really more of a guideline 21 Star Trek: The Next GenerationRe-Watch: “Ménage à Troi” ...