I have zero interest in Silly Goals Accountability, so I will not tell you any of my newfound resolutions except one: if I do return to DragonCon this year, as I am considering doing, I hope to finally complete a funny Star Trek cosplay I’ve been dreaming about for years now. WRITING...
Star Trekvideo games date back to 1979'sStar Trek: Phaser Strike, a shoot-em-up success that launched for the Microvision at the same time asStar Trek: The Motion Picturereleased. The popularity of the franchise resulted in a number of other game launches across console, PC, and mobile in...
they have surpassed their $4,000 goal, raising over $5,000 with 23 days remaining as of this post. The more people back this project, the more they can achieve for Tiny Trek. If they reach their next objective at $6,000, they will include tools to edit “ships and races, more colo...
In our review, you are sure to find a board game for every age, player count and experience level. We have done an exhaustive job to make sure that there is a Star Wars board game for everyone. At the same time, due to the thematical aspect of the genre where the Rebel Alliance op...
when the agonizing wait for season four ended with the premiere of Part 2—there was a little bit of a letdown in how the story played out. But it was still great television, greatStar Trek, and left permanent changes in Picard that would continue to haunt his character moving forward.—...
Star Trek: The Motion Picture The third J.J. film is here. It fell off the rails a bit for feelings for me largely based on script. Performances were still powerful, but not enough to overcome the seeming obsession with the film series of blowing up the Enterprise. ...
You must find the last survivors of Fleet Command and liberate your sector.MOTION CONTROLSRogue Stargun features the most immersive virtual cockpit ever developed, with virtual hands for interacting with cockpit controls such as the flight stick, targeting system, reactor core, and even swappable ...
Watch on YouTube I am well up for a game in which I have to make tough decisions about resources, shimmy around ship innards to keep survivors alive and happy, and command fleets to pew-pew alien bads. The trailer shows bits of that, but... the menu buttons look like placeholders....
— If race cars aren’t fast enough for you, maybe you want to hop into a starship.Star Trek: Infiniteputs you in command — not just of one vessel, but an entire fleet. You’re in charge of one of four factions: the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Ro...
1. The present plan for use of the property had been approved, which greatly increased its value. 2. Approval was, de facto, controlled by the local city councilman. If he liked what you were doing with the land you could do it, if he didn’t you couldn’t. ...