Launched to anchor the new CBS All Access service, Star Trek: Discovery rockets the Trek TV franchise into the streaming era by going back in time to an era before Captain Kirk took command of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Created by Bryan Fuller (who left the show during production of se...
Launched to anchor the new CBS All Access service, Star Trek: Discovery rockets the Trek TV franchise into the streaming era by going back in time to an era before Captain Kirk took command of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Created by Bryan Fuller (who left the show during production of se...
Star Trek: The Last Generation is an unlicensed Star Trek game distributed as freeware. You have just been promoted to captain and given command of the starship Enterprise. Your goal is to reach the wreck of the starship Saggitarius which contains...
Fleet Command premiered as a video game taking place in the TOS era, in the Kelvin timeline, concurrent to the era of Star Trek Beyond. Later updates to the game have introduced elements from Star Trek: Discovery and other prime timeline series, which on the surface seems incompatible with ...
Finally, the game uses familiar Star Trek scores which aren't keyed into dramatic sequences, but sound good.The BadStarfleet Command integrates the vast assortment of rules from the Star Fleet Battles system somewhat less effectively than Baldur's Gate did for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. This ...
the Enterprise… whatever version it was… is tired, even the aliens seem tired. And, to giveTNGits due, there was betterStar Trekavailable on television while those films were being made. Neither connected with me, and I am going to claim to be to have been the core audience when they...
Star Trek: First Contact: Directed by Jonathan Frakes. With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton. The Borg travel back in time intent on preventing Earth's first contact with an alien species. Captain Picard and his crew pursue th
Trivia James Doohan's favorite episode for its highlighting of the engineering aspects of the Star Trek world. Goofs Decker is clearly unfit for command when he takes the Enterprise. When McCoy first finds him, he's in a state of extreme shock and borderline catatonic, and even after McCoy ...
Star Trek: The Next Generation – A Final Unity is a video game by Spectrum HoloByte, based on and licensed for the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. It features the voices of all the original cast of the show, in hundreds of hours of rec
and the war-torn Federation plan to exploit the planet in order to rejuvenate themselves, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise must rebel against the orders of the Federation Council in order to save the Ba'ku and expose the atrocities that are about to take place...