One of the lesser “Trek” episodes in which Kirk and Spock explore an alien world that resembles Earth’s past. On the planet Ekos, a Starfleet academic named John Gill has replicated a society mimicking Nazi Germany, on the rich assumption that the nastier elements of Hitler’s Third Reich...
Once you know how to watch the 13 Star Trek movies in order, you'll see three different crews across time. Learn how and where to watch them all.
Star Trekhas rarely told its stories in a straight, chronological line; time travel tropes, alternate realities, and massive jumps into the future are all commonplace.Star Trekis a multiverseof myriad realities, including an alternate Mirror Universe. TheStar Trektimeline is a rich tapestry of comp...
Others who want to see the history of the Star Wars universe can go through the Skywalker Saga's three distinct trilogies and the ancillary shows and films and watch the Star Wars movies in chronological manner. But some people like to pretend that certain episodes didn't exist. With that...
How to Watch Star Trek in Chronological Order 1. Star Trek: Enterprise (2151-2155) Star Trek: Enterpriseis the earliest entry on our list as it takes place a hundred years before the adventures of Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the crew of Star Trek: The Original Series. The show aired...
This article concerns itself with the general production and performances of the official Star Trek theatrical feature films as produced and distributed by Paramount Pictures, having been the full rights title holder from 1979 (Star Trek: The Motion Pict
Star Trek Movies in Order: How to Watch Chronologically and by Release Date Through 13 films with various different crews, take a look at how to watch the Star Trek movie series in either release or chronological order. By Richard Fink Nov 23, 2023 Star Trek: Picard (2020) Star Trek...
How to watch Star Wars movies in order: chronological Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi introduced us to Lucasfilm's beloved sci-fi franchise in 1977. (Image credit: Disney/LucasFilm) Best for: first-time viewers or those looking for a new way to watch the films. A long time ago, it...
(untilStar Trek: Picard, nearly two decades later). Much as with the (chronological) final big screen appearance of the original cast, which laid the foundations of peace between the Federation and the Klingons, this film implies the establishment of an alliance between the Federation and the ...
Dr. Crusher's eldest son on "Star Trek" has come a long way since hanging out on the Enterprise.