Here are the deck plans for the Explorer of the Seas ship that will be sailing for Star Trek: The Cruise in 2025.
Vessel interiors are present, and can also be customized by selection of a specific bridge design – the remainder of the interior is largely fixed with a ready room, engineering deck (including main engineering, engineering lab, and transporter room), and crew deck (with captain's quarters, ...
Star Trek:lower deck主角不再是舰桥成员,下层舰员也好,第二次接触也好,先粉了 本剧主舰为加利福尼亚即加州级星舰:其自24世纪初期一直存在于星际舰队中 ,它们是公用事业支援船(舰种概念可追溯到23世纪左右)。在加利福尼亚级 [系列] 中,有三种类型的船体喷漆: 蓝色、红色和黄色。 这将制服的视觉隐喻扩展到了船...
Star Trek Holodeck from Film TV and Game Interfaces This element was built with... augmented reality future retro More inspiration See more relatedelements from w. video video video video video video Visit Resource Websites Collections Elements Academy Jobs Market Directory Conferences ...
Picard vents the plasma from engineering and descends to the deck, which is littered with Borg corpses. Finding the metallic skeletal remains of the Borg Queen still clinging to life near the warp core, Picard breaks her spinal column and terminates her once and for all, finally allowing him ...
- Falchion (Engineering) - Tulwar (Science) Tier 6 ships Rank (Lvl. Scaling) Tier 6 ( unless otherwise noted) (Lvl. Scaling) Tier 6 (Fleet+) Destroyers • Dinaes Warbird Destroyer • Fleet Dinaes Warbird Destroyer • Tal'aura Temporal Destroyer / Flight Deck Carriers • ...
Home 1 of 1 REAL Star Trek Holodeck? (2024) Mind Blow (2024) TitlesMind Blow, REAL Star Trek Holodeck? LanguagesEnglishBack to top
Staff meeting: 3/22 - followed by Ides of March. Teams will run Episodes together. Engineering: Will check to see if there's an issue with notifications for new Fleet applications from All events muster at 2030 and begin at 2100 hours US Eastern Time....
Star Trek: The Next Generation Motion Picture 4-Movie Collectionsynopsis: The journey begins with original cast members Kirk, Scott, and Chekov in a story that spans space and time in STAR TREK: GENERATIONS, continuing with a terrifying face off against the Borg in STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT, ... Stamets glides into Engineering, barking that he is "very grumpy" as a way to clear the room. Rayner climbs in through a shaft, noting that this worked better than the scientist's spore drive excuse. Acknowledging he was a tad more surly "pre-tardigrade DNA," Stamets wrestle...