Selar是主医官,没错就是ED上的那个Dr.Selar,她在进取号上实习完就来Excalibur上任职了。说一件很囧的事,Selar的丈夫死于Pon Farr引起的心脏病……在NF系列里她的官配是Burgoyne(就是上面那个雌雄同体的轮机长),但他们两个基本属于那种成天吵架的情侣……他俩后来还有孩子了(不得不说ST在这方面一向很先锋)……...
The series attempts to flesh out some events that were only mentioned briefly in the TV series, such as theTomed Incidentand theBetreka Nebula Incident. It also helps to provide a backstory to recurring book characters such asElias Vaughn,Leonard James Akaarand Dr.Selar. ...
K'Ehleyr / Lt. Selar, M.D. 3 Star Trek: Voyager(1995) James Cromwell Jaglom Shrek / Prime Minister Nayrok 3 L.A. Confidential(1997) Tony Todd Kurn 3 Candyman(1992) John Durbin Gul Lemec / Ssestar 3 The Return of the Living Dead(1985) ...
Review Text TheEnterprisecomes to the aid of terminally ill scientist Dr. Ira Graves (W. Morgan Sheppard), in the hopes of documenting his as-yet-unrevealed scientific discoveries before he dies. Graves, however, takes a very specific interest in Data and spends his final hours with the andr...
have her physical injuries be repaired or rebuilt by the transporter, well hey, things would have been a lot happier for Worf (On a complete side note,Suzie Plaksonwould have been a great addition to the regular cast, either as K'Ehleyr or Dr. Selar. Don't know why that never ...
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki A friendly reminder regardingspoilers! At present the expandedTrekuniverse is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations ofDiscoveryandProdigy, the advent of new eras ingamingwith theStar Trek AdventuresRPG,Star Trek: InfiniteandStar Trek Online, as...
Star Trek Nashville, TN Convention. See favorite stars from all generations of the legendary television series and movie franchise. Autographed photos and photo ops. Special Events and more!
Janeway eventually convinced Q to procreate with Female Q that had recruited Selar. The birth of the first wholly-Q child in eons did indeed stop the fighting in the continuum. (VOY episode: "The Q and the Grey") Again, Janeway updates Starfleet files on Q that were in Voyager's compu...
Creation Entertainment's Salute to Star Trek in Chicago, IL Convention. See favorite stars from all generations of the legendary television series and movie franchise. Autographed photos and photo ops. Special Events and more!