Review Text So, here we are. The season finale that — unexpectedly, for the show's producers and actors — becameDiscovery's series finale. "Life, Itself" is a decent encapsulation of the series at large, showing its various strengths, weaknesses, and sensibilities. It's hard for me to...
The Web's largest and most frequently updated Star Trek multimedia resource. Over 300,000 high resolution DVD Screencaps; in-depth episode guides including scripts, behind the scenes, trivia, trailers and much more!; huge gaming section with screencaps,
The episode shows usDiscovery's POV in arriving in the 32nd century, which includes an elaborate crash-landing sequence on an icy world (after first careening through an asteroid field) that's at least as impressive as theEnterprise-Dcrashing inStar Trek: Generations. With the ship damaged and...
Strangely, the Star Trek: Discovery ship's far-future fate was revealed in 2018 'Short Trek' episode 'Calypso'.
Star Trek: Discoverycenters on First Officer Michael Burnham (Martin-Green), who served on the USS Shenzhou before being assigned to the USS Discovery. “Number One,” as she is known, was a ward of Mr. Spock’s (Leonard Nimoy) father, the Vulcan Ambassador Sarek (Frain). Because of he...
Star Trek: Discovery's series-altering jump to the 32nd century continues to provide fresh ground for exploration in Season 4. [Review]
Discovery the show would then become a kind of quantum version of Star Trek Voyager, another series that found success in the setup of a stranded ship far from home. Finally, let's talk about that scene -- the one that revealed Lt. Ash Tyler, Michael Burnham's crush, probably isn't...
Star Trek tv show news, casting, episodes, seasons, reviews, rumors, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Voyager, and more - Redshirts Always Die
Spoilers There are a lot of references to ENT in Season 4 of Star Trek Discovery Unimatrix Q Dec 18, 2021 2 Replies 37 Views 4K May 31, 2024 Hopeful Romantic Poll Poll To all forum members : Is Enterprise your favorite Trek show? trekfan_1 Mar 12, 2024 2 3 4 Replies 62 ...
Star Trek: Picard: The IMAX Live Series Finale Event: With Wael Alroyly, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes. The Paramount+ series Star Trek: Picard ends with final two episodes in 10 movie theaters followed with a live O&A with cast members. Pa