Stark Trek video games and gaming, gaming chair, gaming desk, Star Trek gaming merchandise, Star Trek: Vogayer comics, and more - Redshirts Always Die
Development on Star Trek began in 2005 when Paramount contacted Roberto Orci (who was working with J.J. Abrams and Alex Kurtzman on the studio's Mission: Impossible III at the time), asking for ideas on how to revive the franchise. [1] Former Star Trek franchise head Rick Berman, ...
The following are Star Trek parodies and references in film. Goaded by his work mates, a nerdy guy who's never "done the deed" only finds the pressure mounting when he meets a single mother. To emphasize his nerdiness, the main character is an avid scien
Drexler said that to him, the iPad is "eerily similar" to the PADDs used inStar Trek. "We always felt that the classic Okuda T-bar graphic was malleable, and that you could stretch and rearrange it to suit your task, just like the iPad," he said. "The PADD never had a keyboard ...
In the end, we also avoid a wholeStar Trek: The Search for Kirksequel because Khan’s super blood brings Kirk back to life, the same way it did that tribble on McCoy’s desk, which I guess says something about Kirk. (Also, that was the second plot point to establish the effectiveness...
StarTreKomics — A Gallery of Trek Fun!Happy Holidays Everyone! Hi Everyone, I’m sorry I haven’t been on in a while, but I found I hadn’t been posting in nearly 2 months and the system had logged me out! Fortunately I was able to get back in today, and I’ll try to pos...
Since the beginning of the web, people have tried to bring the 24th century LCARS (Library Computer Access Retrieval System) Star Trek interface to today, but it hasn't gone well. LCARS has always bee
Star Trek: Discovery《星际迷航:发现号(2017)》第五季第三集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 《星际迷航:发现号♥》前情提要 PreviouslyonStarTrek:Discovery... 他们头脑聪明老滑巨奸 RAYNER:They'resmart,slipperyashel, 只在乎自己 don'tgiveadamnaboutanyonebutthemselves. ...
Star Trek: Discovery《星际迷航:发现号(2017)》第五季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,《星际迷航:发现号hearts;》前情提要 Previously on Star Trek: Discovery... 他们头脑聪明 老滑巨奸 RAYNER: Theyre smart, slippery as hel, 只在乎自己 dont give a damn about
Fellow nerds^H^H^H^Htrekkies^H^H^H^H^Hnerds are aware of the even-odd phenomenon – for nine films, every other Star Trek movie was pretty bad, then the next one would be okay. VR previews are now like that, with VR2 and VR4 being fatally broken. We’re planning to just ...