So you're playing Star Trek Online and have some questions that need answering. “Where's Sulu?”“What do I do with research samples?”“Who do I have to perform oo-mox on to get Bridge Officers?” Well, look no further! All your answers are right her
Star Trek Online Wiki Official wiki 20,312 pages Explore in:Abilities,Bridge Officer abilities,Bridge Officer abilities (Space), and2 more Bridge Officer abilities (Engineering) Bridge Officer abilities (Min lvl-Ensign) Sign in to edit Categories ...
Ground ForcesUhlan•Guard•Shadow Guard•Sublieutenant•Sublieutenant Engineer•Guard Elite•Shadow Guard Elite•Subcommander•Guard Commander•Shadow Guard Commander•Commander•Guard Captain StarshipsRomulan Shuttle•Scorpion Fighter•T'varo Light Warbird•Dhelan Warbird•Mogai Heavy War...
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游戏名称:星际迷航:舰桥指挥官 英文名称:Star Trek Bridge Commander 游戏类型:策略类(SLG)游戏 游戏...
About Star Trek: Bridge Commander The greatest collection of ships, bridges, maps and modifications for this epic starship bridge simulation game! Gear up and take on the worst enemies of the Federation. Make it so! Federation USS FunShipEver (Galaxy X) (KM and Remastered Versions) v2_2 ...
Star Trek: Bridge Commander puts the player in the role of the new captain of the starship USS Dauntless right after the previous captain perished in a sudden and mysterious explosion of the Vesuvi star which wiped out the nearer half of the planets in..
Commander Murdock is confronted with "this thing that has red lights that keeps going back and forth" which seemingly has no other function. The prop, is in fact, part of the Regula I set from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, where it serves the same function. The same prop later ap...
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and ...
Officer Abilities are activated when assigned to the bridge of a ship. Warrior Spirit Bonus Increases with Promotions: Rank 1: 300% Rank 2: 450% Rank 3: 650% Rank 4: 900% Rank 5: 1,200% Jadzia Dax Upgrade Chart #RankMXSHICSBXP ...