Warmth Shortens Cold Nights is another 4-star alternative. This one boosts the user’s max HP and provides a small amount of extra healing when they use a skill or basic attack. For 3-stars, we recommend Cornucopia, as it boosts all outgoing healing. Best Light Cones for Natasha: Time W...
4-Star Light Cone: Warmth Shortens Cold Nights Warmth Shortens Cold Nights will increase Bailu's Max HP by 16 percent. When she uses her Basic ATK or Skill, it will restore all allies' HP by an amount equal to 2 percent of their respective Max HP. Warmth Shortens Cold Nights is a sol...
The best Light Cone for Bailu is her signature five-star one, Time Waits for No One. Although it’s the best weapon for Bailu, it can be challenging to get. However, there are others like, Post-Op Conversation, Warmth Shortens Cold Nights, Shared Feelings, Perfect Timing, or Cornucopia ...
“Tiny Light” ability:Increases the equipping character’s maximum health points by 16 percent. When using a basic attack or a skill, the wearer then restores allies’ health points by 2.0 percent of their respective maximum health points. Warmth Shortens Cold Nightswill build Huohuo’s health ...