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https://www.cell.com/star-protocols/homeReproducibility and transparency aren't just the latest buzzwords in scientific research, they are the cornerstones for building on published research. STAR Protocolsaims to make the daily work of the scientific researcher easier by providing complete, … ...
网站网址:jove.com/ 参考文章: 1、查找实验Protocol,这几个网站十分靠谱! 2、分享5个可获取详细实验方法的数据库 网站汇总: •Bio-protocol:bio-protocol.org/en •STAR Protocols:star-protocols.cell.com •Nature Protocols:nature.com/nprot/ •Springer Nature Experiments:https://experiments.springer...
2023年1月24日,清华大学医学院张敬仁团队受邀在Cell子刊STAR Protocols杂志在线发表了题为“Identification of the mouse Kupffer cell receptors recognizing pneumococcal capsules by affinity screening”的实验方案文章(Protocol)。该文章提出了一整套针对荚膜多糖识别受体的高通量筛选和功能验证方法,并且以肺炎链球菌14型荚...
Since its inception,STAR Protocols’ mission has been to increase the rigor and reproducibility of experimental and computational research by providing an open access platform for the publication of peer-reviewed methodology. To date, we have published over2,000 protocolsfrom laboratories representing52 ...
https://www.cell.com/star-protocols/homeReproducibility and transparency aren't just the latest buzzwords in scientific research, they are the cornerstones for building on published research. STAR Protocols aims to make the daily work of the scientific researcher easier by providing complete, … Vie...
CellPress细胞出版社 22-06-1 21:30 发布于 北京 来自 微博weibo.com STAR Protocols是Cell Press旗下一本开放获取期刊,旨在为研究人员提供可靠的、现成的实验操作流程。我们很高兴能对科学研究方案进行集中和重点报道。另外,我们也想邀请您以审稿人或作者身份加入STAR Protocols。如有任何问题或意见,请联系我们的...
STAR (Structured Transparent Accessible Reproducible) Protocols is an open-access peer-reviewed protocol journal from Cell Press that publishes step-by-step experimental and computational protocols from all areas of life, health, earth, and physical sciences. The primary criteria for publication in STAR...
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近日,Cell子刊《STAR Protocols》在线发表了上海交通大学医学院公共卫生学院王慧教授和单细胞组学与疾病研究中心何牮副研究员联合发表的题为“Isolation of single cells from human hepatoblastoma tissues for whole-exome sequencing”的论文...