By reversing the count on the outer loop, you can flip the triangle vertically. Padding the output of the inner loop flips it horizontally. To solve a Python star pattern problem requires knowledge of variables, ranges and nested loops. Square and rectangle Python star patterns Squares and recta...
java-design-patterns (50000+) - Design patterns implemented in Java DesignPattern (1000+) - Java 设计模式归纳 (观察者、工厂、单例、策略、适配器、命令、装饰者、外观、模板方法、状态). LeetCodeAnimation (50000+) - 用动画的形式呈现解 LeetCode 题目的思路 English-level-up-tips-for-Chinese (200...
forego - Foreman in Go fzf - 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder geekmarks - API-Driven, Geeky Bookmarking Service ghq - Remote repository management made easy go - The Go programming language go-cheat - A Go implementation of Chris Allen's Python tool for sysadmins GoSublime - A Golang plug...
deprecated-method, anomalous-unicode-escape-in-string, anomalous-backslash-in-string, not-in-loop, continue-in-finally, abstract-class-instantiated, star-needs-assignment-target, duplicate-argument-name, return-in-init, too-many-star-expressions, ...
[5星][2y] [Shell] foospidy/fuzzcat Rudimentary network protocol fuzzer using bash, netcat, and other tools. [1星][2m] [Py] ins1gn1a/woollymammoth Toolkit for manual buffer exploitation, which features a basic network socket fuzzer, offset pattern generator and detector, bad character identif...
Nested components can request the current selection (which is always an array) with the useSelect hook. With the box prop it will let you shift-box-select objects by holding and draging the cursor over multiple objects. Optionally you can filter the selected items as well as define in ...
lcgamboa/USBIP-Virtual-USB-Device - Emulates USB Devices using USBIP in Python or c Seagate/openSeaChest - Cross platform utilities useful for performing various operations on SATA, SAS, NVMe, and USB storage devices. dgiagio/ipheth - iPhone USB Ethernet Driver satoshinm/pill_serial - Triple...
2014.03 [debasish] In-Memory Kernel Driver(IOCTL)Fuzzing using Python 2013.03 [pediy] 第一次发帖,驱动Fuzz程序[持续开发完善中] 2007.09 [evilcodecave] Driver Fuzzing with Kartoffel 浏览器 工具 [234星][7m] [HTML] rootup/bfuzz Fuzzing Browsers [195星][18d] [Py] mozillasecurity/grizzly A cross...
[5星][2y] [Shell] foospidy/fuzzcat Rudimentary network protocol fuzzer using bash, netcat, and other tools. [1星][2m] [Py] ins1gn1a/woollymammoth Toolkit for manual buffer exploitation, which features a basic network socket fuzzer, offset pattern generator and detector, bad character identif...
2014.03 [debasish] In-Memory Kernel Driver(IOCTL)Fuzzing using Python 2013.03 [pediy] 第一次发帖,驱动Fuzz程序[持续开发完善中] 2007.09 [evilcodecave] Driver Fuzzing with Kartoffel 浏览器 工具 [234星][7m] [HTML] rootup/bfuzz Fuzzing Browsers [195星][18d] [Py] mozillasecurity/grizzly A cross...