The meaning of STARFISH is any of a class (Asteroidea) of echinoderms that have a body of usually five arms radially arranged about a central disk and feed largely on mollusks (such as oysters) —called also sea star.
Edward Ball Knobel, "On a Catalogue of Stars in the Calendarium of Mohammad Al Achsasi Al Mouakket", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 55, 429–438 (1895) Richard Hinkley Allen, Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning (Dover reprint) (1963) Antonín Bečvář, Atlas of th...
However, she works in a white, male-dominated environment, where the toilets for coloured women are in a completely different building from the one where she works. For this reason, every day she has to go back and forth between the two, meaning she’s often absent from her desk. When ...
On this blog, you can also learn about professional translators and interpreters, multilingual search engine optimization (SEO), the importance of socializing and networking andtranslators’ professional ethics. Quite often we write posts about the languages of the world, other cultures, and their trad...
The English language has developed a lot in the USA. For example, some terms have been taken from the languages of the native tribes, such as the word “raccoon”, which was taken from the Powhatan term aroughcun, meaning “animal that scratches with its hands”. You can easily find ...
The English language has developed a lot in the USA. For example, some terms have been taken from the languages of the native tribes, such as the word “raccoon”, which was taken from the Powhatan term aroughcun, meaning “animal that scratches with its hands”. You can easily find ...
With countless cultures and subcultures in the world, understanding differences, ours and those of others, is crucial. It brings us closer. Cultural and linguistic diversity brings open-mindedness and comprehension. It gives meaning to actions and words, it makes us unique, which makes sharing so...