Star formation happens in clouds of interstellar gas and dust called “nebulae”. These clouds are mostly molecular hydrogen, and are often referred to as HII regions. The process begins when the cloud is nudged into a spinning motion, perhaps by a shock wave from a nearby supernova explosion...
Orion, thus linking the strong winds to the protostars themselves. The specific causes of these winds remain unknown, but if they generally accompany star formation, astronomers will have to consider theimplicationsfor the earlysolar system. After all, the Sun was presumably once a protostar too....
Lagoon Nebula, (catalog numbers NGC 6523 and M8), ionized-hydrogen region located in the constellation Sagittarius at 1,250 parsecs (4,080 light-years) from the solar system. The nebula is a cloud of interstellar gas and dust approximately 10 parsecs (33
The Evolution of Star Formation around the M17 NebulaEducation
All stars including massive stars begin from the formation of stellar nebulas or nebulae. Stellar nebulas are created from the combination of dust particles and hydrogen gas (Figure 3). The core of a stellar nebula begins to heat up as the gas and dust particles begin to collapse and condense...
Although regions such as Orion give us clues about how star formation begins, the subsequent stages are still shrouded in mystery (and a lot of dust). There is an enormous difference between the density of a molecular cloud core and the density of the youngest stars that can be detected. ...
2003 Active star formation in the N11B nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud: A Sequential star formation scenario confirmed. AJ 125, 1940-1957.Barba´, R. H., Rubio, M., Roth, M. R., & Garc´ia, J. 2003, Active Star Formation in the N11B Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud:...
Molecular line, millimetre/submillimetre continuum, and mid-IR observations are reported of the opaque fingers which cross the Eagle Nebula. The fingers are surprisingly warm when viewed in the CO J = 3-2 lines, with kinetic temperatures approaching 60 K, although the lines are relatively narrow...
A volume of the 30 Doradus Nebula is revisited with the aim of identifying distinct sheets of ionized gas and of relating them genetically to the stellar content. Published velocity measurements of the gas and new spectroscopic data serve as the basis of the examination. A continuous range in ...
Formation of the Proto-Earth in the Solar Nebula AkioMakishima, inOrigins of the Earth, Moon, and Life, 2017 2.1Evolution of Molecular Clouds to the Solar Nebula The evolution of anearly starand its surrounding molecular cloud (nebula) are controlled by four components: (1) the centrifugal fo...