lustrous coat of gold that gives the breed its name. The broad head, with its friendly and intelligent eyes, short ears, and straight muzzle, is a breed hallmark. In motion, Goldens move with a smooth, powerful gait, and the feathery tail is carried, as breed fanciers say, with a 'mer...
Weighing about 24 pounds, this dog is alert, outgoing, and even has a sense of humor. These companions are recognized by the mass of hair covering their foreheads. The breed is adaptable and can live in the city or country. Sealyham terriers also make good watchdogs due to their alertness...
We have 7 beautiful English Cream Goldens from our new lady Norica in Placervile. Not bad for a first litter. 3 girls and 4 boys. Sorry to say – All have been placed except 2 adorable boys – which are surely to look just like daddy Shilo. Please contact us right away! Our ...