indicating that brighter galaxies and globular clusters are generally larger and more similar in homogeneity. Open clusters follow, with larger sizes generally being closer and brighter. The impact of the short axis on area is greater than the long axis because the change...
first galaxiessubsequent generations of starscontaining gasfirst active galactic nucleilow‐metallicity HII regionsnumerical techniquesOverviewSubsequent Generations of StarsContaining Gas in the Halos of Population III StarsThe First Star ClustersThe First GalaxiesThe First Active Galactic NucleiLow-Metallicity ...
Galaxies are generally larger than star clusters, too. "Galaxies are like the cities that star clusters live in," Geller said. "Galaxies can contain thousands or more star clusters, and many molecular clouds, and dark matter, et cetera." Another factor that differentiates star clusters from ga...
and the Moon around the Earth. It includes double stars that revolve about each other and holds togetherstar clustersand galaxies. Study ofHoyle and Fowler (1963)on a super-massive star opened up a new field in astrophysics, calledrelativistic astrophysics, where Newtonian gravity is replaced by...
Star clusters represent the most common 'mode' of star formation. They arefound in all types of environments, cascading down from galaxy groups andmerging pairs through starbursts to normal galaxies and dwarves and evenisolated regions in extragalactic space. As they maintain a link to the over...
(i.e. ram pressure, tidal interaction, Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities) in a spherical galaxy moving through an external environment. The theoretical framework developed here has direct applications to the cases of dwarf galaxies in galaxy clusters and dwarf galaxies orbiting our ...
Oh, well… I had fun taking it and processing it. Comets,Galaxies,Nebulae,Star Clusters First Light – Astro-Tech AT60EDP ImageFebruary 20, 2024Leave a comment The Orion Nebula on 2/20/24. 68×180 sec, QHY294C at -10C, Antlia Triband filter, Astro-Tech AT60EDP at F/5. Full Fiel...
In this chapter, we concern ourselves with concentrations of stars whose structure can be recognized in part with the naked eye, in part only on suitable telescopic images: the globular star clusters, in which the stars appear to be clustered together li
Thus the distribution of star clusters preserves the information on the star formation history of a galaxy. Massive clusters form only during episodes of high star formation activity whereas periods of low star formation activity cannot produce them. We present here the method of Maschberger & ...
Based upon the observed properties of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies in the Local Group, we present important theoretical constraints on star formation in these systems. These constraints indicate that protoglobular cluster clouds had long dormant periods and a brief epoch of violent star formatio...