it only needs to know: "Theres a ship at that Location and Orientation", all the other data on the Shard where the ship actually is, is irrelevant to the adjecant Shards, this can be Adjusted by distance, so your Shard only knows about really big ships in Shards that are further away...
Invictus Launch Week returns to Star Citizen on May 19th and runs through May 30th. During the celebratory week, the game will be free to play for everyone. New vehicles and spaceships will be available to test fly as well. For more details on the event check below, and for the recap o...
One thing that really stood out was the cargo system, as it will open up a whole new play style in Star Citizen. Another cool focus for the month was the Ship Item Kiosks, this system will allow players to buy and sell goods in the game, but most importantly it will be one of the...
We have received reports that players are experiencing a drop in frame rate (Frames Per Second or FPS) and video/graphics performance while playing Star Citizen. This particular performance issue seems to be linked to players using the Vulkan graphics API. This presents itself as a significan...