Star Citizen is currently available in alpha form on PC. A full-release launch date has yet to be set (and probably won’t be any time soon).
The core concept of Star Citizen is that it’s a destination, not a one-off story. It’s a complete universe where any number of stories can take place. Players will have the opportunity to decide their own game experience. Pick up jobs as a smuggler, pirate, merchant, bounty hunter, ...
When we started working onStar Citizen, we were trying to wrap our minds around the daunting amount of mechanics and features that would be present in such a rich game universe. Part of the team was tasked with designing character customization and the in-game shopping experience. We were try...
Pile on slightly more modern classics like Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, and even current generation titles like Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen, and suddenly the space combat genre becomes a very competitive place. After the bungled launch of...
Pile on slightly more modern classics like Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, and even current generation titles like Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen, and suddenly the space combat genre becomes a very competitive place. After the bungled launch of Star Wars Battlefront 2, the pressure is on EA ...