Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
Star Citizen Alpha 3.0.0 dropped today, downloading. Anyone else gonna check it out? Requires you download the new installer as well, the internal updater redirects you here:
Just click on the icons, download the file(s) and print them on your 3D printertry: tree batman box helmet sonny angel star citizen harry potter » more » » popular » » random » AdvertisingDownload: freeWebsite: makerworld 17 minutes ago add to list order this print Tags ...
No citizen of Syrea suffered want or ignorance. Then, in 2035, a cataclysm of tectonic upheavals tore lava-filled chasms across the planet’s surface and irrevocably poisoned their atmosphere. The disas-ter killed off almost all the Syreen population –only those in the Syreen Space ...
The Star Citizen economy is certainly a vast undertaking. In addition to making a massive space combat simulation, we are also building a simulation of the economic universe in which the characters live. We offer players the ability to participate as much (or as little) in the economy as the...
Chris Roberts, with the note perfect timing of a Savant Self-Owner, helped confirm the “Troubled Development” narrative of Kotaku UK’s coverage at CitizenCon 2016, when the long-awaited, much-hyped Squadron 42 demo was a last minute no show after months of build up. Instead we got a ...
Will Chinese citizen undergo world's 1st full head transplant? It's being reported a Chinese patient has been tapped to undergo, what could be, the world's first full head transplant within ten months in northeast China's Heilongjiang province. Mini nuclear reactor now ready to be built The...
Facial tracking isn’t an entirely new technology - we’ve seen it implemented in games a few times, or in tools like FaceRig, but Star Citizen will have it as a core component due to a collaboration with Faceware. You’ll be able to plug your webcam in
1. Welcome to another episode 00:00 Of Life lessons in Bon Jovi songs. The first video of 2025 and I’m happy to report I’ve made video-making the heart of my planning. Because over the past years, it just didn’t get done!
Found the gun on Security Port KareahI crashed when I was taking offthe flight tutorial on arena commander was a big help some controls I did not know about like flight mode I was on the slow one.I want all the ships lol Can't wait for patch 2.4 I've been following on the site ...