Star Citizen will feature a fourth landout option on Earth! Where will it be? London? Berlin? ACCOMPLISHED 100% $15,000,000 Read chairman's letter Star Citizen will feature an additional ship class, the escort carrier. Every backer will get a free digital 42-page Upgrade Handbook manual wi...
Star Citizen is a game about choices, so every time you leave the hangar you’ll have to decide which ship to fly, what equipment to install, who to have on as crew, what routes to take, even where and when to store cargo. Each ship has its personality, each weapon has its trade...
So we don’t have all the exacts of that mechanic locked in right now, but it’s one of the things we want this ship to have where well we need something that’s going to pull you either out of quantum or pull you out of jump or disrupt your ability go into those fast transit m...
Fixed an issue where the camera could remain locked to the elevator menu transition, after backing out of the universe menu. HUD Ship targetHUDnow dynamically changes colors based on the allegiance of the target. Fixed an issue where users in free cursor mode would still fire their primary Wea...