The storms are taking their toll on the ship. I’ve ordered repairs halted; better to save our supplies for survival. Combat readiness will suffer, but if we end up in combat we’ll have lost already. We’ll rely on speed and stealth until additional supplies can be salvaged. Cycle 206...
Veteran Star Citizen pilots will be well aware that the agility of a ship is more important than its weapons and shields. Aegis Gladius might be a low-cost light fighter, but its potential to take down any kind of fighter is the main reason why it gets such authority in the verse. Afte...
For the first and last, I agree, I can use the ship to intercept Vanduul or pirates but you, me, every other player and its cousin knows it's a ship that sells to people that at 99% would buy with the intent of pulling out of quantum poor sods and 1% are crusading against vanduu...