The Star Citizen economy is certainly a vast undertaking. In addition to making a massive space combat simulation, we are also building a simulation of the economic universe in which the characters live. We offer players the ability to participate as much (or as little) in the economy as the...
Star Citizen Alpha Update 2.32 is set to bring 'the FPS combat to AAA standard,' with new features and overhauled UI and scope systems.
I was looking at getting a Interail Global Pass ( UK citizen- if that’s still relevant!?), possibly over 2 months?? Next , across to France to see the Burgers of Calais, ( a lot of my trip will be around Art, particularly Post Impressionist). I was thinking from here to go to...
Will Chinese citizen undergo world's 1st full head transplant? It's being reported a Chinese patient has been tapped to undergo, what could be, the world's first full head transplant within ten months in northeast China's Heilongjiang province. Mini nuclear reactor now ready to be built The...
The first, “Restoring Freedom of Speech and Ending Federal Censorship,” mandates agencies across the government cease funding and end any activities that would “unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen.” The other, “Ending the Weaponization of the Federal Government,”...
As reported by Just The News, the alleged purchase of stock by Musk led to him underpaying Twitter investors at the time of his buyout of the company in October of 2022. The lawsuit claims that this action meant Musk was able to buy stocks at “artificially low prices.” ...
. Valuable new fields are occasionally located and made known to the public, often resulting in a dramatic increase in mining activity…and soon thereafter a drop in prices on those materials contained in ample quantity within the field as players rush to exploit the freely available resource....
“new”. The other two kitties to exchange hands above the USD 100k mark areGen-0s. And gamer reactions to all three trades are a good indication how our very human purchase preferences have not evolved since Pawn Stars – first edition Cryptokitties trading prices mimic that of say, first...
I hear therefore with joy whatever is beginning to be said of the dignity and necessity of labor to every citizen. There is virtue yet in the hoe and the spade, for learned as well as for unlearned hands. And labor is everywhere welcome; always we are invited to work; only be this ...
“healthy move geared toward a growth impetus.” Bessent, whose name has been floated for Treasury secretary, said on CNBC that the combination of deregulation and a push for lower energy prices under Trump will be disinflationary, meaning it would slow down the rate of inflation, while ...