Starfield and Star Citizen might look incredibly similar to one another, but they are markedly different once you look past the initial details.
I haven't tried the intermediate or advanced steps in that Basics post. Star Citizen has a built-in feature on launch that may prevent AHK scripts from running as exe files or from system accounts. Running Star Citizen inside a VM is unfortunately not an option, I'm trying to use all t...
According to the devs, the patch will invite an additional 30,000 Citizens into the fray, bringing the total to 60,000. If your Citizen number falls within that range, you can join the game. Here’s a video to show you what to expect. And here are the patch notes in full: Fixe...
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
hmmmm... It's still CryEngine Ferrum Master said: Yeah I was really wondering looking at the loading screen. Still runs like crap thou Runs fine for me, if I except the Revel&York hangar crash.Ferrum...
Sea of Thieves + simulator game + space = Star Citizen In brief, you are a citizen living in the Stanton System and you have a spaceship which allows you to go and make money and essentially live however you want What can you do? First Option: Be a law-abiding citizen Explore Collect...
Star Citizen is a pc exclusive. So you would think the budget needed would be vastly smaller. How would the platform change the amount of money that goes into development? Dev kits for consoles cost few thousand dollars as far as I know, but the actual development is still done on ...
It doesn't matter what you say about star citizen nay sayers wont accept anything good about CiG or anything related, imagine being here posting constant crap about a game you don't care about only to be proven wrong time and time again, it makes me laugh how much time some posters here...
Star citizen is undoubtedly a high popular multiplayer game but after its release, a good number of players reported the Star citizen crashing into a
The ARK: Star Citizen Starmap Turbulent Technologies & Tools Games & Entertainment Web & Interactive Fullscreen HTML5 SVG WebGL Description SOTD / SCORE→ 7.53/ 10 Evaluation System Design40% Usability30% Creativity20% Content10% 7.5 / 10 ...