If you do have a game package, completely close both the game and the RSI Launcher and wait a few minutes before restarting the application. Ensure the tasks are completely ended in the Windows Task Manager as well. Should the restart not work, ensure that any extra security programs th...
It's time to get your launcher updating! While patching: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/media/dpd639fngtcakr/source/Arena-Commander-Pilots-Guide-V0-8.pdf Last edited: Jun 4, 2014 Anarion, Jun 4, 2014 #372 Steppzor Master Guru Messages: 829 Likes Received: 72 GPU: MSI 3080...
https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042417374-Star-Citizen-Minimum-System-Requirements Is a good page to bookmark and check to see if they will update to be supportive of MAC OS or machines that run on MAC hardware. Star Citizen is a very demanding game performance...