第一步:登陆Star Citizen的账号网站 https://robertsspaceindustries.com/promotions/3-18-Free-Fly 下拉点击‘Enlist or Login’ 点击红色圈中的‘Enlist Now' 账号注册。 ——— 第二步:进行注册 由上到下: Account Name: 账户名 (游戏内角色名称) Email:邮箱 (游戏登陆用) Password: 密码(数字和字母组合,...
【Star Citi..许多新加入的舰长往往遇到客户端启动无响应的问题一般是在这个窗口发现失去响应,win10尤其容易出现,回滚win8.1后直接开启发现没有问题在win10条件下问题同样可以解决右击Star Citizen
The RSI Launcher will also be used to deliver Squadron 42 once it begins shipping. In order to play Star Citizen 3.0, download the new RSI Launcher. The installation program will guide you to remove the older CIG Patcher and then perform your initial installation of Star Citizen Alpha 3.0. ...
Make sure the launcher isn't running then go to where you installed the star citizen patcher - in there go to the Patcher folder, then the ui folder and open index.html (may only be called index depending on windows settings) in a text editor (wordpad or notepad++ are fine - do not...
Romulan Republic Rank Citizen Lieutenant Centurion Sub-Commander Commander Subadmiral I Subadmiral II Vice Admiral Admiral Fleet Admiral Level 0 1-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-65 With the Delta Rising expansion, the level cap was raised to Level 60, enabling Admiral...
|--RSI Launcher |--StarCitizen |--LIVE 如果你安装在D盘的Program Files,大概就是以上这样的目录树 确保你的RSI启动器设置内安装目录指向了主路径,点开下面的LIVE卡,会展开一个类似于这样的显示: 这里的路径就是LIVE版本的安装路径,值得一提,这里的后半段\StarCitizen\LIVE的两个文件夹需要自行创建(劳资看了...
NOTE: To avoid needing a full game download, the "C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen" folder can be copied and renamed "C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU" prior to updating.You will need to return to the RSI PTU Launcher for this build to work: ...
Star Citizen Alpha 3.0.0 dropped today, downloading. Anyone else gonna check it out? https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/16349-Star-Citizen-Alpha-300 Requires you download the new installer as well, the internal updater redirects you here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com...
in Star Citizen. They can be either single player or multiplayer. Once deleted, you can launch the game again and check if the update can complete without the StarCitizeninstallererror. I'm not sure if this applies to your case specifically, but I've noticed that the star map can't ...
=== Proton: 1714418284 proton-9.0-1 SteamGameId: default Command: ['/home/etgbrown/Games/star-citizen/drive_c/Program Files/Roberts Space Industries/RSI Launcher/RSI Launcher.exe'] Options: {'forcelgadd'} depot: 0.20240125.75305 pressure-vessel: 0.20240125.0 scout scripts: 0.20240125.0 sniper...