Logged Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.Motto Hero Me...
Looking for a top-level Star Citizen account with great items and stats? Visit now and get a hand-leveled Star Citizen account today. Check Now! OMG an early concept art. I bet he draw it himself! Its confirmed SC is a scam. 2016-12-22, 10:46 AM #3747 Rennadrel Titan Join Date Oct 2010 Location America's Hat Posts 14,190 Originally Posted by Omians you mean ...
Star Citizen has already reached status of the biggest crowd funding scam in gaming history. There is not much more they can achieve in this regard, so it might be a good time to start releasing... something. said the guy that has never installed it, let alone played it. KissSh0t sai...
tl;dr the only difference between Star Citizen and Theranos as far as I can see is that one of the CEOs was a woman. Star Citizen needs "jesus tech", Theranos needed a magic machine that could actually test a pin prick of blood, and neither of those things is ever happening. 2024...
I am sure somebody will read this and assume it is moreStar Citizenhate. Not an unreasonable assumption, though mitigated by the long series of unfulfilled promises that has generated hate and suspicion of the game. It looks enough like a scam to be easily filed away as such. ...
The plot is either thickening or getting muddier depending on how one reads this latest bit of news uncovered byStar Citizenfans, as a couple of followers of the project have shared a trademark filing by developer Cloud Imperium Games for what could be a third title. ...
Star Citizen players might finally be realizing that the entire game is actually an elaborate scam thanks to the recent spat of feature delays.
WHY I NOW BELIEVE THAT STAR CITIZEN HAS EVOLVED INTO A COMPLETE SCAM Right off the bat, I am going to repeat what I have always said. I don’t believe that Chris Roberts set out to scam anyone; let alone gamers. I do believe that hebelievedthat he could make the game he envisioned...
This is the subject of a recent discussion (see below) between Ben Parry and I.Status of the 2.6 and 3.0 patches which were due end of this year, and bringing Star Marine as well as "emergent" gameplay - post 4757The tech demo at GamesCom 2016 - post 4589The tech demo at Citizen...