4. Deleting the user folder This solution can resolve occasional glitches but it does not provide a complete fix to the error. Deleting this folder would create a new one without any glitches from the old one. Note:This is a risky solution as it deletes your in-game settings and keybindi...
Another reason for encountering aFailed to Fetch code errorin Star Citizen is its server. It’s essential to verify the status of Star Citizen’s server because they can be often the root cause of such errors. They can either be under maintenance or construction at the moment. Hence, go t...
下载过程出错 报Installer error 让检查log win+R打开regedit 找到路径\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device 在右边新建多字符串值 命名为ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes 打开这个新建字符输入 * 4095 记得中间空格 重启 完成...
Seek assistance from a friend who can play Star Citizen without encountering any errors. Have them log into your account on their device. This unusual method has reportedly resolved the issue for some users. If none of the solutions above rectify the problem, it is likely that the server is ...
下载过程出错 报Installer error 让检查log win+R打开regedit 找到路径\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device 在右边新建多字符串值 命名为ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes 打开这个新建字符输入 * 4095 记得中间空格 重启 完成 ...
Hello! This issue I'm having is a bit tricky. Running Star Citizen has been very stuck in DX11D3. However, it was very smooth in Vulkan, but I could
The most in-depth fix for the “Friend List Being Empty” error in Star Citizen requires players to dive into the game’s user data. It’s similar to how they can fix theInstaller Error bug in Star Citizen. For this, they’ll need to navigate to the location on their PC whereStar ...
Bought DBZ Kakarot (dont judge me :p) and cant get the fucker to start, see below for Crashlog. It starts up fine but crashes at the ' checking system data'...