So, really what we're doing with Star Citizen is we're working on the game, adding features for an incredibly ambitious design – I don't think there is any other game that is trying to do as much as we're trying to do. So, degree of difficulty 11, not 10. And, we'll have w...
so getting to distant/obscure locations means that you have to actually fly for quite some distance...I know there are a massive amount of people out there who pretty much pan the game for all...So does anyone know if AMD is gonna do another Star Citizen promotion again soon like they di...
So everybody’s jamming on Tarkov, Fortnite, Monster Hunter or something, anything else but Star Citizen during their daily streams and when they get together for their weekly discussions with other streamers, they theorycraft about 3.2, 4.0, “what I will do when (x) is in the game”, o...
Could not agree more, how ever looks are nothing without good game play. And tbh people in ...Star Citizen Alpha 3.0.0 dropped today, downloading. Anyone else gonna check it out? https:/...unnecessarily hard though I understand what they're trying to do, you're actually pushing those...
"Citizen, what is your name?" "My name is James Tiberius Kirk." - Iowa cop and a young ...Are you actually suggesting they're from the future?!" - McCoy to Spock, on the Romulans...why Sarek married Amanda (Sarek replying "At the time it seemed the logical thing to do"). ...
Over ten years and 600 million dollars(and counting) later..He said one thing truthfully on that CitizenCon: I won´t live long enough to see the game released. Wanted to play this really bad when saw first pics and videos ages ago, but after only thing getting bloated was Chris Rober...
Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which actually helps build confidence in bilateral ties, a UN expert has said....Will Chinese citizen undergo world's 1st full head transplant? It's being reported a Chinese patient has been tapped to undergo, what could be,...
Pre-production on the project began in 2010, with production kicking off in 2011. Nine years later, the game is still in development, with many people thinking it will never actually be released. This didn’t seem to do much to dent the hopes of the people who are happy to still send...
Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games has raised over $40 million so far for Star Citizen. So, what does their space game look like? A new video...
It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.StanTheMan Hero Member Posts: 676 Re: Star Citizen - Breaking ...toxic community that aggressively ridicules the competition (cue the ED hating) may seem to be in the interest of CGI/rsi, it's actually lethal...