Logged Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.Motto Hero Me...
not only does this “modular” design of Star Citizen, likely falls under “derivative” works, the license doesn’t cover future major release additions to the engine. So, do they even have the licensing to do all these separate “non-Star Citizen” modules...
If you run a search forStar Citizendrama just on the current version of Massively OP, you’ll find piles of threads that qualify, all the way back to the 2015 “long troll” mess. But the current drama brewing on Reddit isn’t about theCrytek lawsuit, endless alpha...
Star Citizen is also not a normal game, it requires things never been done before in games development so there is more trial and error compared to other games in development, complaining about reality is pointless. Such as what, exactly? 2024...
“well, it works for me” sort of retorts from the truly faithful. The entireStar Citizendiscussion ecosystem is entirely too toxic. I would rather debateLeague of Legendsstrategies on Reddit most days of the week. It makes theEVE Onlineecosystem look like theCare Bears Christmas Special. I ...
Re: Star Citizen - The Game « Reply #12 on: November 23, 2016, 07:14:50 PM » I'd like to welcome Newbest - and differentiate this forum from an echo chamber like Reddit in doing so. Respectful discourse is best.Newbest - nobody thinks the production companies are fake. ...
Close Star Citizen Launcher before moving on. SearchFile Explorerin the search box of Windows. ChooseOpento run the file explorer window. Type this command“%localappdata%\StarCitizen\Live”in the address bar. Locate the folder namedUserin the game’s directory. ...
Some interesting characters pop up, a few people die, but in the end Obi-wan is back on Tatooine hanging around waiting for Luke to grow up while desert life changes him from 51 year old Ewan McGregor into 63 year old Alec Guinness… I guess that age gap kind of works, which kind of...
By the way, as to Star Trek sequels, I may be in the the minority here but I love Discovery regardless of its criticism from die-hard fans. In fact, I enjoy pretty much all the variations. (some more than others) A lot of love has gone into them, and I appreciate it! May Tre...
In our America of 2014, how important would you say pleasure seeking is to the average citizen? Obviously there are millions of concerned citizens from all political perspectives, but we have all cringed as we watched late shows doing so-called man on the street interviews. Entertainers like ...