From everything that we have uncovered thus far, it is our belief that the game, Star Citizen, as of this writing, has all the makings of a crowd-funding failure, and an unmitigated disaster. A disaster which, if, and when it happens, and everything eventually comes out, is likely to...
1、Star Citizen Refunds • r/starcitizen_refunds 2、Roberts Space Industries • r/starcitizen,就像我下面说的一样,他把争论话题隐藏了,所以嘛,干净深邃的宇宙 3、ATV那段语录是来自于Star Citizen: Around the Verse - The Process of Procedural Cities;MVP定义来源于10 for the Chairman,我记得我有写...
It's pretty ironic that Chris in his response to Derek and The Escapist said: "Star Citizen will speak for itself". I guess it kind of does? A "game" run by a company that feeds their backers so much crap during events and can't be honest about anything. - - - Updated - - - ...
Star Citizen Have any of you played this? We just recently started over the weekend and we are super intrieagued. It is still an Alpha game, and yes it has issues - but it also has so much variety in what you can do! Very interesting! Here are some videos from big-name ...
My Brother has been having issue with playing star citizen while being in a party either in Discord Or using the Xbox party app from windows itself. His mic will either go robotic while in the game or sometimes it will cut completely out but if he alt-tab out of...
I've been experiencing crashes in Star Citizen whenever I enable DLSS since it was added in the 3.23 patch. This stood out a bit from the log: Unknown Function IDs: NvAPI_QueryInterface (0x33c7358c): Unknown function ID NvAPI_QueryInterf...
Since logging back into my Intel account, I see that the ticket has been closed. I just wanted to follow up with a screenshot and the dxdiag file. Since reinstalling the card with it's most recent driver update, running Star Citizen produces a new message box stating that ...
Star Citizen is a game you cannot help but get excited over. A new video has surfaced from PAX where parts of the game where shown off and it doesn't disappoint.
If Star Citizen is not using the GPU properly, it’s because you have an older or lower-end card orWindows can’t detect your GPU. This can make getting good performance out of Star Citizen a hassle. The graphics card is the most important component of a gaming PC. It’s responsible ...
With over 100 unique ship designs in Star Citizen, it may be hard to make your pick, this guide will help you decide which is best for you. While Star Citizen features fully realized planets, explorable moons, vast space stations, and an arsenal full of armor and weaponry, there’s one...