If you want to earn money directly off your ship, you need either a salvager or a miner. Argo MOLE is currently the best miner in Star Citizen, which offers both multi-crew and single-pilot mining. Although it costs over double the amount that you need to purchase a MISC Prospector, MO...
Star Citizen will feature an additional flyable ship, the Anvil Gladiator. ACCOMPLISHED 100% $2,000,000 Regular community updates. Citizens with appropriate packages will get to play in the multiplayer dogfighting module. Citizens with appropriate packages will receive access to the 30-mission Squadro...
A psychic entity preys on the people of Shkeen, taking their bodies as nutrient in exchange for granting each citizen 10 years of supreme bliss. The people of Shrakky have a history of suffering cruel experimentation by the hands of the Golden Theta. Their society now believes in the sanctit...