If you are low on budget but still looking for a ship capable of doing all the essential Star Citizen activities on a smaller scale, Avenger Titan will soon become your beloved ship. With its relatively cheap price tag, Avenger Titan delivers an 8-SCU cargo space big enough for doing deliv...
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
CITIZEN DOSSIER Overview Organizations UEE Citizen Record #709968 Profile Star_Bomber Handle name Star_Bomber Paul Lesalle Supporter Main organization Enlisted Jan 2, 2015 Fluency French Website https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrzY7Gpyabwl0jd5TJrtw7w Bio ...
Hey Imm looking to buy the Retaliator Modules offered by CIG. I already have the Torpedo set, so am looking for the Cargo, Dropship and Medical modules.. TIA; Ch Edit...was able to get the Living and Cargo modules. Admins please close this topic..Kudo
SckShips is a long-time leading provider of Star Citizen ships. As such we provide a Fast, and Easy buying experience for anything Star Citizen related!
My secondary roles are being in a bomber wing with my A2 and my Vanguard harbinger LTI And my third role is industrial such as mining and base building with my Orion LTI and Poineer... along with infantry support roles with my nova tank A little about myself: I’m a prior service US...