ANSYS 2024R1&帮助文档安装教程 dung一下 04:02 ANSA V25.0.0 安装教程 dung一下 13600 12:46 RecurDyn 2024 安装教程 dung一下 28951 15:23 Romax R17 安装教程 dung一下 32412 03:54 M24_惊蛰 00:13 船舶阻力预测|KCS阻力预测|船行波|数值模拟|STAR-CCM+|CFD ...
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1、双击STAR-CCM+_CadClients18.02.008_01_win64_intel20.1vc14.2-r8.bat安装软件,以自定义方式安装,取消【FLEXNet License Manager】的勾选,安装完成后不要运行; 2、复制破解文件夹18.02.008-R8文件夹和license.dat文件,到软件安装目录覆盖原文件:C:\Program Files\Siemens ...
您好!我的abaqus是2019版本的,star ccm是2302(18.02.008-R8),在耦合计算的时候,star ccm的区域里面需要耦合的边界名称是“FSI 2”,然后在abaqus中,把对应区域的表面(element)定义在一个集合面中,也命名为“FSI 2”。最后在.inp文件中写耦合代码如下:***CO-SIMULATION, NAME=Tong, PROGRAM=MULTIPHYSICS,CONTROLS...
Simcenter STAR-CCM+V2302 主要新功能介绍
With a dedicated workflow setting up the complex heat release physics is significantly faster and easier with Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302 With the rapid growth of electric vehicles circulating on the roads, new safety rules have been put in place at the country level but also internationally with ...
February 1, 2023A tower, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an engineer can have. Clark F. Douglas In the... By Stephan Gross10MIN READ CFD speedup at no additional cost has never been that SIMPLE and Consistent
•预定消息传递接口(MPI)版本支持Simcenter STAR-CCM+2302的更改 ◦ 支持:HPE Cray MPI 8 •宣布Simcenter STAR-CCM+2302的预定CUDA支持更改 ◦ 添加:CUDA 11.4,最低驱动程序版本增加到470.82.01 ◦ 退出:CUDA 11.0,驱动程序450.x到465.x不再受支持 4、用户体验 •粘贴对象的一致命名D5543 ◦ 通过...
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302 was officially released today. A detailed exposition of the main enhancements is described in our blog, and in this short video, you will see some of the main highlights of this new version. The top new features and enhancements for this release are: Battery thermal...
This problem is happening with a NX customer that migrated to NX 2212 andSimcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302. We checked internally with my friends in the localSimcenter STAR-CCM+support team but they are not using these versions yet and did not heard about the issue. ...