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Abrams this is a $4 billion movie. We need to treat this very special. It's an unbelievable privilege and unbelievable responsibility to take a jewel and treat it in a way that is respectful of its past but brings it into the future." ―Bob Iger[6] The Disney acquisition of Lucasfilm...
the shooting of The Rise of Skywalker allowed for more improvisation than The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi: "It's a testament to J.J. coming back and feeling confident. There's less pressure for it to be right. We just want to make a good movie and have a really good time while...
Download Episode Email the Host iTunes Podcast RSS Feed Description Tuesday's 6 pm - Green is in… but what does that really mean for you? Kinga and crew bring a fun and energetic half glass full perspective to what and how sustainability is the lifestyle for the future. It can ...
Abrams finally put an end to the rumors by stating that William Shatner was not in the movie at all and Leonard Nimoy is the only actor from the original series who was. [123] In another interview with AMC, Abrams admitted there was a scene written for Shatner, but he and the ...
I don't have any problems with the movie itself but when movies cause classic rides to change, that's when I start to have problems. It used to have different videos every time but now it's just one video promoting The Last Jedi. Disney Imagineers are ruining...
[80] Noting the importance of making Earth feel the danger of the universe, Hong advised Luo Feng to not share the existence of the Black Meng slaves. At the end of October 2062, Hong helped lead the discussion between the three brothers and Earth's leadership class.[81] When Bu Luo ...
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of a new Death Star in our very own solar system, it turns out that's no space station. This is a picture of Mimas. Mimas is one of the 31 moons of Saturn. It's 247 miles across (398 kilometers) and sports a huge crater named Herschel that is 80 miles wide (130 kilometers)....