项目专注于数学、计算机、工程和应用科学的交叉学科研究,除了Mathematical and Computational Finance (MCF) track,还有DS track(解析见DS专业方向),这里特指MCF track。 课程设置:时长2年,Professor都是来自各个院系的大佬,课程非常硬核,偏学术范,第一年结束可转PhD。 就业方面:Stanford的title+湾区的location为主,就...
下面来看看论坛上搜集到的一些CS PhD录取数据(2015年): MIT, Berkeley, Yale, U Mich 本科:东南大学,GPA:3.5/4,RANK:15% 研究生:香港科技大学,GPA:4/4 GRE: 146+3 TOEFL: 106 PAPER: 3顶会一作,1 Trans 一作,3 IEEE fellow牛推 Reject: Stanford MIT, Berkeley, CMU, Cornell 本科:南浙复交,GPA...
Hamed NilforoshanI am a Computer Science PhD student at Stanford University, advised by Prof. Jure Leskovec. Previously, I was a Machine Learning Data Scientist at Airbnb. I received my Bachelors in Computer Science at Columbia University, where I was advised by Prof. Eugene Wu. I develop...
我本科就读于美国约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University),专业是计算机科学(Computer Science),数学(Mathematics)和应用数学与统计(Applied Mathematics and Statistics),同时辅修经济,GPA 3.97。我最终拿到的offer有JHU CS PhD(Center for Language and Speech Processing),CMU Language Technologies Institut...
伯克利的硕士就是这里面最好录的存在之一了,但是博士应该是四大里面最难的,毕竟CS Phd里面伯克利是四大...
I am a Computer Science PhD student at Stanford University, advised by Prof. Jure Leskovec. Previously, I was a Machine Learning Data Scientist at Airbnb. I received my Bachelors in Computer Science at Columbia University, where I was advised by Prof. Eugene Wu. ...
我本科就读于美国约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University),专业是计算机科学(Computer Science),数学(Mathematics)和应用数学与统计(Applied Mathematics and Statistics),同时辅修经济,GPA 3.97。我最终拿到的offer有JHU CS PhD(Center for Language and Speech Processing),CMU Language Technologies Institute PhD,Columbi...
Stanford是比较标准的项目设置,有Master和PhD的两个项目。一方面,就斯坦福的master项目而言,项目本身以就业和创业为导向,基本属于全美最优秀的Master项目。 另一方面,Stanford University PhD项目也非常强。官网上给出的项目介绍为:much more competitive than the MS program. ...
收获Stanford Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering,MIT PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science录取! J同学经济管理专业 收获MIT Master of Finance,LBS Masters in Financial Analysis,JHU Master of Science in Finance录取! Z同学物理学专业 ...
目前录取:Princeton-EE PhD CMU-Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD UIUC-Computer Science PhD IC-Electrical and Electronic Engineering PhD ETH-Computer Science PhD Umich-Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD Part/01 规划出国 小P酱:请问X同学是什么时候决定出国,是因为什么决定了走留学这条路?又是...