为了保证学生适应全球化的商业环境,GSB要求每位一年级学生参加全球管理项目 (Global Management Program) 或者公共管理项目 (Public Management Program),在二年级学生的带领下,到一个自己从没去过的国家或公司参观,体验国际化的商业环境。 2020年4月,Stanford宣布其MBA和MSx学位获得STEM认证,这意味着,其斯坦福的国际MBA...
斯坦福Stanford MSx项目三月的活动共有4场,大家要注意,时间都是美国西部时间哦。 Tuesday, March 2, 2021 12:00pm – 1:00pm Local time in Stanford, California Stanford MSx Program Webinar Online Thursday, March 4, 2021 12:15pm – 1:00pm Local time in Stanford, California Student - Alumni Journ...
5.Stanford MSx Program Stanford University - Stanford Graduate School of Business General Management (TOP 230) U.S.A. 5.MBA Stanford University - Stanford Graduate School of Business MBA full time (TOP 275) U.S.A. 5.Master of Arts in Economics ...
胡佛塔学校地图3.商学院介绍▪商学院官网https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/斯坦福大学商学院在2017-2021年UTD全球商学院科研排名百强榜中位列全球第8位,和哈佛大学商学院被认为是美国最好的商学院。▪专业划分(硕士)1.MBA Program 工商管理硕士学制:21...
Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. If you are applying to both the MBA and MSx programs, use Essay B to address your interest in both programs. Why Stanford? Two words pack quite a punch: why Stanford, indeed? As you approach this ...
s diverse programs include the 2-year MBA program; 1-year Master of Science program for experienced leaders (MSx); PhD program; Executive Education; Stanford LEAD, an online certificate program; and Stanford Seed, a Stanford GSB-led initiative that partners with entrepreneurs in emerging markets ...
Article by Accepted / Grad School Admissions, Law School Admissions, MBA Admissions, Medical School Admissions / Grad Financial Aid, Law Financial Aid, MBA Financial Aid, Med Financial Aid, Stanford GSB, Stanford Law, Stanford MSx, Stanford University School of Medicine ...
subtitle">MSx studentMichael ZhangMDNick PhillipsMS Student
斯坦福大学,即 Stanford University,全称 Leland Stanford Junior University,简称斯坦福,成立于1885年,位于美国加州旧金山湾区南部帕罗奥多市境内,临近高科技园区硅谷 (Silicon Valley),是世界著名私立研究型大学。斯坦福大学与旧金山北湾的加州大学伯克...
subtitle">MSx studentMichael ZhangMDNick PhillipsMS Student