介绍一下斯坦福大学(Stanford University)!(二) 申请要求: 申请平台:斯坦福大学本科通过Common Application或Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success (CAAS)系统申请,研究生通过Apply Web系统申请。 本科生录取要求: 标化成绩要求 斯坦福大学本身不要求但建议国际学生递交TOEFL成绩,也未设定较低的TOEFL分数要求,...
Advance deposit required No TOEFL accepted instead of SAT or ACT No Preapplication form required Unlock these and 11 other International Students data points with U.S. News College Compass»
Stanford University斯坦福大学是一所在1891年成立的全美著名私立大学,Quater制,校地共有8180英亩,这个学校不用再多介绍了呗!该校和加州伯克利大学是长年的死对头(维基百科有略提到)全校最有名的建筑物叫做「胡佛塔」,校内有一博物馆称为Cantor Center for Visual Arts museum。斯坦福的医学院可能是该校最有名的,美术...
中文名:斯坦福大学 英文名:Stanford University 学校主页:https://www.stanford.edu/ 性质:私立综合性大学 建校时间:1885年(1885年成立,1891年开始正式招生) 创校历史:斯坦福大学是由时任加州州长及参议员的铁路富豪利兰·斯坦福及他的妻子简·莱思罗普·斯坦福于1891年共同成立的,大学以他们于六十岁生日前夕(1884年...
Stanford University was founded in 1885 byCalifornia senator Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane, “to promote the publicwelfare by exercising an influence in behalf of humanity and civilization.” 利兰斯坦福初级大学由加州参议员利兰斯坦福和他的...
TOAPPLY CompletedApplicationForm(OnLineorHardCopy) OfficialTranscript(s)inEnglish(Marksheets) Recommendationletter(EvaluationForm) StatementofPurpose(StatementofObjective)ifrequired CurriculumVista(CV) FinancialCertificationForm(3sets:1sttotheOverseaUniversity; 2ndforVisa;3rdyourcopywhiletraveling).BasedonSRMletter,...
1. Start an Application Create a Stanford University Mathematics Camp application account. The application account should be made with the student applicant's legal name, but a parent/legal guardian email address may be used to receive application communications. ...
How to Apply to Stanford UniversityDeadlinesApplication Timeline Deadline Notification Date Restrictive Early Action November 1 Mid-December Regular Decision January 5 Early April Application RequirementsStanford applicants can apply using either the Common Application or the Coalition Application. The other...
Like any elite university, Stanford proved to be highly competitive, but she also found it to be surprisingly collaborative and supportive. Her time at Stanford has alsoopened her eyes to the powerful potential of AI. Currently...
Applicants requiring a reasonable accommodation for any part of the application or hiring process should contact Stanford University Human Resources by submitting a contact form. Stanford is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration ...