4. Trimarchi S, Nienaber CA, Rampoldi V, et al. Contemporary results of surgery in acute type a aortic dissection: The International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection experience. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2005,129(1):112-122. 5. Harris KM, Strauss CE, Eagle KA, et al. Correlates of ...
急性Stanford A型主动脉夹层(acute type A aortic dissection,ATAAD)是一种极为凶险的是主动脉疾病,自然预后极差,院内病死率约10.3%[1],若未得到及时的处理,每小时病死率可提升1%~2%[2]。通过外科手术修复仍然是ATAAD的主要治疗方法,...
A 61-year-old woman who had aortic dissection and Child B liver cirrhosis underwent ascending aorta replacement. Liver protection during cardiopulmonary bypass was successfully accomplished by moderate hypothermia and use of an aortic occlusion balloon to maintain sufficient hepatic blood flow.Seiji...
4.Trimarchi S, Nienaber CA, Rampoldi V, et al. Contemporary results of surgery in acute type a aortic dissection: The International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection experience. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2005,129(1):1...
急性Stanford A型主动脉夹层(acute Stanford type A aortic dissection,ATAAD) 是临床上一种血管外科常见的急危重症,治疗难度大,死亡率高,外科手术依然是挽救ATAAD 患者生命最有效的方式。主动脉弓上各分支重建的手术难度大,耗时长,易造成周围神经和血管的损伤,尤其是位置较深的左锁骨下动脉。孙氏手术通过开胸、体...
主动脉夹层(aortic dissection)是指主动脉壁内膜和部分中层撕裂形成内膜裂口,主动脉腔内血液经此内膜撕裂口进入中层,受到强有力的血流冲击,内膜逐步剥离、扩展,形成不同程度和范围的中层剥离,在动脉内形成真、假两腔。急性主动脉夹层是一种起病急骤、病情凶险、进展快速的急性主动脉疾病。如不进行恰当和及时的治疗,破...
主动脉夹层(aortic dissection)是指主动脉壁内膜和部分中层撕裂形成内膜裂口,主动脉腔内血液经此内膜撕裂口进入中层,受到强有力的血流冲击,内膜逐步剥离、扩展,形成不同程度和范围的中层剥离,在动脉内形成真、假两腔。急性主动脉夹层是一种起病急骤、病情凶险、进展快速的急性主动脉疾病。如不进行恰当和及时的治疗,破...
6. Ch’ng SL, Cochrane AD, Goldstein J, et al. Stanford type A aortic dissection in pregnancy: a diagnostic and management challenge[J]. Heart Lung Circ, 2013, 22(1): 12-18. 7. Natoli AK, Medley TL, Ahimastos AA, et al. Sex steroids modulate human aortic smooth muscle cell matrix...
急性stanford A型主动脉夹层围术期急性肺损伤机制和干预策略流行病学现状急性A型主动脉夹层的发病率急性主动脉A型夹层( Acute type A aortic dissection )的发病率约为每年5-30/100万(美国,2000年) P. G. Hagan, C. A. Nienaber, E. M. Isselbacher et al., “The International Registry of Acute Aortic...
stanforda型主动脉夹层的诊断及外科治疗diagnosisandsurgicaltreatmentoftypeaaortic 系统标签: 主动脉夹层stanfordaorticdissection外科 ·37·空军医学杂志2014年3月第30卷第1期MedicalJournalofAirForce,Vol.30,No.1,March,2014 StanfordA型主动脉夹层的诊断及外科治疗 李令珂,朱俊明,张红超,侯迈,徐金星,陈元恒 [摘要]目...