Stanford High School Summer College斯坦福大学暑期项目是为期8-9周的短期课程培训,面向高中生们开放。该项目将会为学生提供在人文科学、地球科学和工程领域中的近145门课程,旨在通过丰富的课程和知识来激发学生们的好奇心和创造力,从而引导他们更好地发挥自身的全部潜能。 在该项目中,学生可以与来自30多个国家...
课程一览: 申请要求 Application Requirements 斯坦福夏校申请条件: 必须是高中10-12年级学生; 在2025年6月21日项目开始时至少16岁,在2025年8月17日项目结束时不超过19岁。 To be eligible to attend Summer Session as a high school student, you must: Be a current sophom...
high school level. The Summer Institutes provide a taste of college life in the beautiful surroundi...
From June 26th to August 20th, I attended the High School Summer College Program at Stanford University, which offered 2-month undergraduate courses to high school students. I took two courses: statistics and international relations. The intensity and...
老师和学生在同一时间上线,进行网络课堂教学,足不出户就可以完成整个中学课程。另外,Stanford Online High School(斯坦福在线高中)还很贴心的为没有在美国上初中的同学提供初中衔接课供大家选择。除此之外,为避免假期时间被浪费,在假期还开设了各类的Summer Course来供学生选择。 Research Internships In Science And Engineering,这是由波士顿大学举办的工程类科研夏校,为期 6 周,主要是为 11 年级的美国公民或合法永久居民学生开设的...
Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes offers two-week, online summer courses, providing academically talented and intellectually curious students currently in grades 8–11 with intensive study in a single course. They invite high school students from around the world to discover, study and explore ...
How did Erie's parents deal with him when he was at Stanford's High School Summer College? (within 5 words) ___ 相关知识点: 试题来源: 四川省2021届高三“联测促改”活动第二轮测试英语试题 Word版含解析 解析 [答案]They seldom interrupted him. [解析]根据文章第七段的He says that his ...
High School: January 11 - March 8, 2018, no class on 2/22/18 申请截止日期: Winter 2018:November 20,2018 链接: 6. Stanford Math Circle 内容:斯坦福数学圈每周聚集学生进行复杂的高阶数学主题,由数学家和教育者组织。斯坦福数学圈为当地的小学、...
Summer at Stanford 25% Grad weekend 22% Homecoming 20% More Students Diversity gradeA+ Based on racial and economic diversity and survey responses on school culture and diversity from students and parents. Students 1,032 88% of students and parents agree that students at this school are competit...