The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God (1763); in Walford, D., and Meerbote, R. (eds.), 1992, Theoretical Philosophy, 1755–1770, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Attempt to Introduce the Concept of Negative Magnitudes into Philosophy (1763); ...
Three of virtue ethics' central concepts, and are often misunderstood. Once they are distinguished from related but distinct concepts peculiar to modern philosophy, various objections to virtue ethics can be better assessed.Virtue EthicsDeontological Ethics...
跟各位安利一个网站,Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,之前眉毛也有推荐过,如果是读哲学的朋友应该比较熟悉?里面收纳了各种哲学相关的词条,每个词条都有相当篇幅的介绍。这学期都是哲学课,用得比较频,个人感受是 SEP 差不多可以看作精精简版的牛津通识。举 Philosophy and Christian Theology 这个词条为例,作者先...
我们可能会想,可以简单地重新定义 "审美判断",使它指的是任何将审美属性看做某一对象的谓语(is predicated of an object)的判断。但这需要我们不涉及它的直观可掌握性(immediately graspable),也要说出审美属性是什么。这一点似乎没有人做到。我们似乎可以简单地重新定义 "审美判断",使它指的是某些判断,在这些...
New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia[ 天主教百科全书] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy[ 史丹福哲学百科全书] ...|基于5个网页 更多释义 例句 释义: 全部,斯坦福哲学百科全书,斯坦福大学哲学百科全书,史丹福哲学百科全书 更多例句筛选 1. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 斯坦福哲学百科全书。
Much of the philosophical literature on reduction addresses these questions about the status of the bridge laws.[2]The consideration of certain examples lends plausibility to the idea, prevalent in the literature, that the bridge laws should be considered to express some kind of identity relation. ...
内容提示: ConstitutionalismAccording to most theorists, a further important feature of constitutionalism is that the rules imposing limits upon government power must be in some way be entrenched, either by law or by way of "constitutional convention."[7] In other words, those whose powers are ...
The most important parts of this system are the password-protected web interfaces to the central server, which can be accessed by any author, subject editor, or the prin- cipal editors from any where in the world there is a computer with an internet connection. 1 The web interface for ...